Work examples


We are proud to be co-founders of Europe’s largest and most suc­cess­ful vir­tu­al pro­duc­tion studio.

HYPERBOWL is oper­ated by us and our part­ners ACHT and NSYNK near Munich since 2020 and can look back on count­less com­mer­cial and fea­ture film productions.

In addi­tion to provid­ing state-of-the-art stu­dio tech­no­logy, we also offer our cus­tom­ers all the ser­vices asso­ci­ated with pro­duc­tion. In addi­tion to hand­ling the entire ser­vice pro­duc­tion pro­cess, this also includes con­sult­ing and cre­at­ing the required environments. 

It’s best to see for your­self: HYPERBOWL

Exhibition stand, munich

Cus­tom­er: Schüco Inter­na­tion­al KG

Event: BAU

Year: 2023

Cli­ent: Schüco Inter­na­tion­al KG

Concept, archi­tec­ture: D‘ART DESIGN GRUPPE GMBH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Plan­ning light/rig: white dot and purple

Pho­tos: Schüco Inter­na­tion­al KG / Sascha Bartel

management confenece, Ingolstadt

Cus­tom­er: AUDI AG

Event: intern­al Man­age­ment conference

Year: 2023

Cli­ent: AUDI AG

Concept, Archi­tec­ture: Plan­werkstatt GmbH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing design: Raphaël Demonthy Light­ing Design on behalf of TFN

Fotos: Audi Events und Ser­vices GmbH

World premiere, Los Angeles

Cus­tom­er: AUDI AG

Event: e‑tron Sport­back world premiere  Los  Angeles

Year: 2019

Cli­ent: Oettle Fer­ber Asso­ci­ates GmbH

Concept, Archi­tec­ture:  Cre­at­ors GmbH, Oettle Fer­ber Asso­ci­ates GmbH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing design: Raphaël Demonthy Light­ing Design on behalf of TFN

Fotos:  AUDI AG, Tobi­as Sagmeister

Awards: Final­ist at Golden Award of Montreux in cat­egor­ie Spa­tial  Communication

Google exhibition stand, Cologne

Cli­ent: Google Deutsch­land GmbH

Event: DMEXCO Cologne

Year: 2019

Client:insglück Gesell­schaft für Mark­en­in­szen­ier­ung mbH

Concept, archi­tec­ture: insglück Gesell­schaft für Mark­en­in­szen­ier­ung mbH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Pho­tos: more pic­tures to follow

Dealer meeting, Marbella

Cus­tom­er: AUDI AG

Deal­er meet­ing in Marbella

Year: 2019

Cli­ent: Schmidhuber Brand Exper­i­ence GmbH

Concept, archi­tec­ture: Mutabor Design GmbH, Schmidhuber Brand Exper­i­ence GmbH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: Four To One Light­ing design GmbH

Pho­tos: Andreas Keller

Exhibition stand, Frankfurt

Cus­tom­er: AUDI AG

Event: IAA

Year: 2019

Cli­ent: AUDI AG

Concept, archi­tec­ture: Mutabor Design GmbH, Schmidhuber Brand Exper­i­ence GmbH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: Four To One Light­ing design GmbH

Pho­tos: Andreas Keller

Exhibition stand, Munich

Cli­ent: Schüco Inter­na­tion­al KG

Event: BAU 2019

Year: 2019

Cli­ent: Schüco Inter­na­tion­al KG

Concept, archi­tec­ture: D’art Design Gruppe GmbH

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: Weis­spunkt und Purpur

Pho­tos: Schüco Inter­na­tion­al KG, Pho­to­graph­er: Lukas Palik

Exhibition stand, Las Vegas

Cus­tom­er: AUDI AG

Event: CES Las Vegas

Year: 2019

Cli­ent: Bathke Geisel Architekten

Concept, archi­tec­ture: Mutabor Design GmbH, Bathke Geisel Architekten

Video/audio plan­ning: TFN GmbH & Co KG

Light­ing and rig­ging plan­ning: Four To One Light­ing design GmbH

Pho­tos: Andreas Keller


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