Are You Experienced?

Because TFN is.

More Experience? Turn on the video sound.


Brand Experience

Facts get you nowhere. And social media influ­en­cers will nev­er replace the per­son­al hands-on exper­i­ence. Only with a strong emo­tion­al con­nec­tion can a product become a brand. We work every day to cre­ate this emo­tion­al added value. We’ve been doing it since 2002 and doing it at the highest level.

TFN sup­ports com­pan­ies, man­u­fac­tur­ers and their cre­at­ive part­ners in the race for the lim­ited shelf space inside the heads and hearts of con­sumers. We stage brands. We build tan­gible brand exper­i­ences using all the senses — aud­ible, palp­able, immers­ive, col­lect­ive, mind-blowing


What you





is what you get

Any suf­fi­ciently advanced tech­no­logy is indis­tin­guish­able from magic. 

That’s exactly the kind of tech­no­logy TFN works with.

TFN plans audio, light and inform­a­tion tech­no­logy (media con­trol, inter­act­ive applic­a­tions, auto­mated processes).

For events, trade fairs, exhib­i­tions and per­man­ent installations.

We devel­op logist­ics, man­age pro­ject sched­ules, coordin­ate inter­faces, mon­it­or con­struc­tion, keep with­in budgets, and ensure that everything goes just as planned at the right moment.

TFN employs archi­tects, engin­eers, pro­gram­mers and tech­nic­al plan­ners across all audio-visu­al dis­cip­lines. In small or large teams we devel­op com­plete solu­tions — solu­tions that include structural/mechanical com­pon­ents such as pro­gram­ming com­plex pro­cesses using provided content.

TFN provides all ser­vices under the Offi­cial Scale of Fees For Ser­vices by Archi­tects and Engin­eers in Ger­many (HOAI). This includes base estim­ates, pre­lim­in­ary and design plan­ning, per­mis­sion and con­struc­tion plan­ning, pre­par­a­tion and par­ti­cip­a­tion in alloc­a­tion, build­ing inspec­tion and documentation.

TFN cre­ates ser­vice spe­cific­a­tions as the basis for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al tender pro­cesses. Our own AVA pro­gramme ensures trans­par­ent com­par­is­on of all providers.

We search for and recom­mend suit­able sup­pli­ers, invite tenders across Europe and world­wide, eval­u­ate bids for you and lead nego­ti­ations. This allows us to find and recom­mend the per­fect sup­pli­ers for your pro­ject and, thanks to our expert­ise, our pro­cure­ment can usu­ally reduce costs.

Company culture

Love, Peace, Perfection

It’s not just about what a com­pany does, it’s also about how.

We don’t like to boast but here at TFN we’re all nice, per­son­able, solu­tion-ori­ented people. Our long-stand­ing cus­tom­ers think so too.

In the cir­cus that is the world of events and trade fairs, where short dead­lines and the plain impossible are the norm, our prag­mat­ic optim­ism often makes all the dif­fer­ence on location.

We work as cas­u­ally as pos­sible to devel­op logist­ics, man­age pro­ject sched­ules, coordin­ate inter­faces, mon­it­or con­struc­tion, keep with­in budgets, and ensure that everything goes just as planned at the right moment.

While the battle for mater­i­als was still com­mon­place just a few years ago (and gladly fun­ded), today, sus­tain­ab­il­ity is an import­ant plan­ning cri­terion at TFN.

We work with ener­get­ic­ally optim­ised equip­ment. We keep trans­port­a­tion lean. In this way we not only pro­tect our con­science, but also the budgets of our customers.

To ensure ideas don’t flop due to lack of means, we keep costs in check — for example, to reduce costs, TFN is respons­ible for all things hard­ware and software.

The fact that we don’t have any of our own sales or sup­ply interests — and are thus not temp­ted to push our own hard­ware first — means we can assess the hard­ware needs and costs for your pro­ject com­pletely objectively.

Exper­i­ence is cru­cial if you need to cre­ate the per­fect exper­i­ence at the right moment at just the push of a button.

TFN is exper­i­enced in all pos­sible and impossible AVL scen­ari­os. We know the fast­est com­mu­nic­a­tion chan­nels, the suit­able mater­i­al and the right people. We know what needs to be done when it comes down to it. We provide solu­tions from the first concept sketches to hard­ware and soft­ware-based implementation.

Someone needs to stay on top of things, espe­cially in the run-up to trade fairs and event. We’re just the people for the job when it comes to AVL solutions.

Blog posts

Our small journal

Find out about all our adventures:

Work examples

Exhibition pieces

World premiere in Los Angeles

AUDI AG, e‑tron Sport­back, 2019

Exhibition stand in Cologne

Google Deutsch­land GmbH, DMEXCO, 2019

Dealer meeting in Marbella

AUDI AG in Space, 2019

Exhibition stand in Munich

Schüco Inter­na­tion­al AG, BAU 2019


The TFN dream team

Frank Foerster

Project Manager, Managing Partner

Christian Tesche

Project Manager, Partner

Tobias Joeckle

Project Manager, Partner

Jan Ditt

Project Manager, Partner

Claudia Foerster

Back Office


Our headquarters

TFN GmbH & Co KG

Hudtwal­ck­er­str. 21 b
22299 Ham­burg, Germany

Legal information

Respons­ible for con­tents: Frank Foerster

Trade register: HRA 110152
VAT-ID No.: DE221202614

Man­aging Part­ner: Frank Foerster

Web­site: Mor­gen­land Kom­munika­tion für Unternehmen


Mor­gen­land Kom­munika­tion für Unternehmen


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